Cynthia Fortlage

Gender Diversity (She/Her)

Who am I

Cynthia founded CAF Services and is a successful entrepreneur in London, UK. With a remarkable experience of over 30 years in technology, Cynthia is an expert in process simplification, strategic planning, and leadership. Her expertise also extends to creating intentional corporate cultures that promote human rights, sexuality, and gender diversity. 


As a white, queer woman with a transgender history, Cynthia has been recognised as an international award-winning LGBT+ executive, speaker, and board leader. Since 2017, she has delivered over 400 engagements in 30+ countries. In addition, Cynthia has served as President of the Rainbow Resource Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and national chair for the feminist organisation Women's March Canada. 


Currently, she is a board member of Outright International in New York City, a global LGBTIQ+ human rights organisation, and they are the United Nations Secretariat on LGBTIQ issues. Cynthia's impressive track record speaks for itself, and her unwavering dedication to promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging is genuinely inspiring.

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